Boomerang Ideas Research – NEW: Brand Tracking
Those who follow us longer know that besides DAY8 we run a few other projects. One of the more intense ones is Boomerang Research. Our Co-Founder Rafa founded it about…
Those who follow us longer know that besides DAY8 we run a few other projects. One of the more intense ones is Boomerang Research. Our Co-Founder Rafa founded it about…
At DAY8, we've always championed a human-centered approach over one-size-fits-all solutions. Those who know us know that for that reason we are not the biggest friends of big consulting’s modelized…
AI is on the rise. Let us make sure it supports the well-being of humanity.
We need to rethink business education. Business MBA Manager decrease wages and only increase shareholder value which is a short term success. Focusing on human-driven decision making helps to steer towards sustainable success and employee-wellbeing at the same time.
Unser Co-Founder Fritz Seidel konnte kürzlich im Lionowl-Podcast seine Sicht auf Veränderung in Unternehmen, Methodenmixe und menschliche Zusammenarbeit darlegen. Hört rein, es lohnt sich! Aber als kleine Vorw...
A fun view on business transformation in real life...
Brainstorming was first officially described by the advertising executive Alex Osborn in his book "How To Think" in 1942. Everyone was like: #WHOAAAAA! It was ...
First of all, while not in the matter of gender, we are a diverse team with quite some different core-skills that helps us to bring better results. However, DAY8 itself is based on three pillars, and both of us drive different areas: 1) SPRINT WORKSHO...
Sometimes, we are so humbled by the feedback we receive by our workshop-, and training attendees. This one is just such a great example. Taking effort, not only to write a thank-you-no...
Not all of you might know, but we at DAY8 believe in trusted and flexible partnerships more than classic company growth. The latter can become a burden, with increasing costs and thus the need to run after customer assignments possibly leading to loss of focus and, in the end, quality. That is why our goal for 2020 was to build up prospering partnerships with trusted experts and companies.