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Meet our founders! >Rafa<

Hey, Fritz here.

Some of you might wonder, why you did not hear a lot from the other DAY8 Co-Founder lately. So I thought, why not put him into the well-earned spotlight as there is a very good reason why you might see my name pop up quite often, while Raphael Ueberwasser today is not as visible in the frontline of DAY8.

“DAY8 is a diverse team – even not in a matter of gender”

First of all, while not in the matter of gender, we are a diverse team with quite some different core-skills that helps us to bring better results. However, DAY8 itself is based on three pillars, and both of us drive different areas:
1) SPRINT WORKSHOPS for teams and companies that need an impulse to move forward to innovate, create, and collaborate
2) TRAINING of the best #newwork, #collaboration, and #innovation-methods we know about
3) STARTUP ADVISORY where we consult and guide projects and teams, test all the methods we use in our workshops and trainings, and for sure learn what works best in real-life.

“I believe he is shaking the world”

While I mainly drive the second part, both of us translate the learnings into our Sprint Workshops. However, Rafa is the mastermind behind the third area. His experience in project- & product-management and his career in consulting help him driving startups for success.

Today, the majority of his energy is invested into a startup he founded himself, and to me is a groundbreaking novelty in #research: Boomerang Ideas. He does the best job I can think of and while you might not see his face too often, I believe he is shaking the world more than I do.

BoomIdeas was recently one of the 6 chosen startups to pitch at the Swiss ICT Investors Club (SICTIC), and one of the two that was selected for a detailed discussion. Rafa pushes for the #seedinvestment now, and as far as I can judge, it works like a charm that reflects his success.

Kudos, Rapha – I can learn a lot from you every day, and the world can too.

Proud to be your business partner

PS: Maybe most importantly, Rafa is just a decent guy and fun to work with 😉
