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Me, myself and AI

We, the team at, are passionate tech enthusiasts. We wholeheartedly embrace the power of progress and strive to leverage it in every aspect of our work. With the latest advancements in #AI, we acknowledge the concerns surrounding misuse, patent issues, and data security. However, we firmly believe that we should not settle for the status quo.

Today, generative AI like #ChatGPT falls short of benefiting the majority of humankind. Instead of enhancing outcomes for society, it often leads to job losses, while the primary beneficiaries appear to be those who have already achieved significant success. Our vision of an ideal future differs greatly. We envision a world where everyone emerges victorious.

That’s why we make a solemn commitment to drive transformative change, armed with technology, boundless optimism, and a united community rallying behind our cause. Imagine a world where artists of all fields are fairly compensated if their content is used in a generative context, just like a musician gets a fraction on Spotify if their music is played. A world where regulations and systemic changes enable technology to tap into and amplify the full human potential, rather than simplifying and polarizing people. Let’s utilize transparent technology to forge a realistic utopia, where each and every one of us actively contributes to building a society centered on humanity and nature, without succumbing to burnout along the way.

Join us on this extraordinary journey. Together, we will pave the way for a future where technology uplifts and empowers every individual. These months are a time of gaining understanding and conceptualizing for us to getting into the driver seat better – the sooner the better.

Your DAY8 founders
Raphael & Fritz

PS: Where and how do you (plan to) use AI? Where do you see risks, and opportunities?

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