You are currently viewing New Work? Agile? This is the transformation in real life. 🤣🤣

New Work? Agile? This is the transformation in real life. 🤣🤣

When we talk to our network, we have to listen to the same stories over and over again. People waste time in meetings discussing and finding out who has the most power (not who has the best idea or even, how to combine all the knowledge in the room to an even better idea), brainstorming is still felt to be the best way to generate ideas, and agile frameworks are ordered to be used by all employees no matter what, while expectations on status reports, business-cases and planning stays classic.

The contract which is “value-add” for both sides, employees, and the employer is too often one-sided, and maybe even more often none of the partners gets a value out of it.

It is time to change that. Let’s do it together! How are your experiences?

Your DAY8 founders
Rafa & Fritz

Find out more about “Together alone” here:

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